(718) 766-7420 Sales@webinnovatives.com

Everything You Need to Start Your Business Right Away

No matter the business type, New Business Filing can help you form your new company today.

Filing Assistance

We help you traverse the minefield of submitting government forms.

For Every Business

Take Credit Card Payments, Build a Professional looking website with Firstep Services.

Unbelievably Fast Turnaround

Fast process, fast filing, fast delivery. Get it? We’re fast.

Customer Support

Experts on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Choosing a Business Name

Business names generally are required to be unique in the state of formation. Even in those states that allow multiple instances of the same name, it can be beneficial to the business to not be confused with another existing business. There are also other rules that must be followed.

When choosing a name, we have found the found the following to be some best practices to ensure your business isn't delayed by being rejected by the state.

Choosing a Business Structure

Choosing a business structure can be one of the most daunting tasks a new business owner faces. Generally, that's because most people simply aren't aware of the differences between those structures, and what advantages and disadvantages they provide.

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About Us

Firstep Business Solutions is a privately owned small business just like you. We pride ourselves on meeting YOUR individual needs.

We hope we can relieve some of the burden of starting, running and maintaining a new business. Our focus has always been, and always will be on customer experience, and we accept nothing short of excellence. After serving countless entrepreneurs, we are still small enough to care about our customers individually and experienced enough to ensure your business is filed quickly, easily and CORRECTLY!A


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Success Is A Team Play Right?

Contact us by using the form below or send us an email.Pour in your queries, we are happy to serve you.

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